One Indonesian Data for the Acceleration of Development Policy - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kep. Riau Province

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One Indonesian Data for the Acceleration of Development Policy

One Indonesian Data for the Acceleration of Development Policy

February 18, 2020 | Other Activities

Tanjungpinang - One of Indonesia's Data for the Acceleration of Development Policy, a theme carried out at the Coordination, Synchronization and Facilitation Meeting in the Field of Coding and Statistics, is a shared ideal of all data and information managers from all DPOs in Kepulauan Riau Provincial Government who were present at the Space Main Meeting of 4th Floor Kepulauan Riau Governor's Office, Tuesday, 02/18/2020. The event, which was initiated by the Bureau of Economic Administration of Kepulauan Riau Province Secretariat, aims to unite the steps in the formulation of development policies. Eko Aprianto, Head of the IPDS BPS-Statistics of Kepulauan Riau Province and Sardison, Head of the Village Community, Population and Civil Registry Office, was asked to be a guest speaker. "Data is everywhere but hard to find and differences in data between agencies / agencies are a classic problem that has been faced," said Eko. On the same occasion, Eko conducted a socialization about SP2020 towards a population data. The implementation begins with SP Online activities from February 15th 2020 to March 31st 2020. "Sectoral statistics are our duty as OPD, requires all attention and efforts for the realization of quality sectoral statistics", Sardison conveyed an invitation to all participants who were present to play more roles active in providing sectoral statistics and participating in SP2020 activities.

#MencatatIndonesia #SP2020 #SensusPenduduk2020 #BPSKepri

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