Inauguration of Echelon III and IV Structural Officers - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kep. Riau Province

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Inauguration of Echelon III and IV Structural Officers

Inauguration of Echelon III and IV Structural Officers

June 11, 2020 | Other Activities

Inauguration and Taking of the Oath The first position led by the Statistics of Kepulauan Riau Province, Agus Sudibyo, took place solemnly through electronic media / zoom meeting, 11/06/2020.

Two administrator officials and seven newly appointed supervisory officials listened carefully to the message that was delivered to them, namely that all out for the success of SP 2020, optimizing work during Work From Home, do not be afraid to be transferred, and placing administration as important as technical tasks .

All friends, listen to the message
Leader advice for the future
Point out the teachings you should practice
So that your life will be blessed by God

Congratulations on your assignment in a new place, may you always be Professional, Integrity and Trustful people
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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