Tanjung Pinang, Monday, August 3rd, 2020
The Statistics of Kepulauan Riau Province conducts Press Release (BRS) which airs on Youtube Statistics of Kepulauan Riau Province.
Kepulauan Riau Province highest cumulative inflation in the Personal Care and Other Services expenditure group was 5.66% while the highest deflation was in the Transportation expenditure group.
Farmer Exchange Rate in July 2020 was still under 100, to be exact only 96.86. This means that the exchange power of agricultural products has not been able to meet the needs of goods and services consumed as well as for production costs.
Although in a difficult time, the Covid-19 pandemic, there were still a number of tourists coming through the Batam entrance, totaling 1,785 people. During June 2020, the most foreign tourists visiting the Philippines.
Transportation statistics for May 2020 show that there are fewer air transportation modes compared to departing passengers. The opposite is true for sea transportation modes, passengers down more than passengers ride.
Indonesia's Democracy Index 2019, Kepulauan Riau Province 81.64 where this figure has increased 2.45 points compared to the previous year and is included in the "good" category.
For a more complete explanation, #SahabatData can be watched through the following link: