Kick Off SP2020 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kep. Riau Province

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Kick Off SP2020

Kick Off SP2020

August 31, 2020 | BPS Activities

Sensus Penduduk September 2020 was officially launched by the BPS-Statistics through the Sensus Penduduk September 2020 Kick Off event which was held online on Monday morning. Sensus Penduduk September 2020 Kick Off is virtually broadcast live via the BPS YouTube channel on Monday at around 10 am.

Head of BPS Kecuk Suhariyanto in his report said that the field enumeration would begin on Tuesday 1st September 2020, where field officers would visit every resident's house. Furthermore, Kecuk explained that the 2020 population census system is different from previous years, namely using a combination method using dukcapil data from the Ministry of Home Affairs as the basic data.

The full video coverage can be #SahabatData, watch it at the following link:

To find out more about the implementation of Sensus Penduduk September 2020 in Kepulauan Riau Province with the theme Towards “Satu Data Kependudukan Indonesia”, here is a video coverage of Tanjungpinang TV with the Head of Kepulauan Riau Province BPS Agus Sudibyo which can be a #SahabatData, watch it at the following link:

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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(Statistics of Kepulauan Riau Province)

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