Kepulauan Riau Province BPS Gets the Highest Rating as an Informative Public Agency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kep. Riau Province

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Kepulauan Riau Province BPS Gets the Highest Rating as an Informative Public Agency

Kepulauan Riau Province BPS Gets the Highest Rating as an Informative Public Agency

December 8, 2021 | Other Activities

The event for the awarding of Public Information Openness ran smoothly and solemnly, taking place at the Wan Seri Beni hall building, Kepulauan Riau-Tanjungpinang Provincial Government Office on Monday, 8/12/2021. The number of participants who participated was 56 Public Bodies, there were 14 Public Bodies that received an assessment with the INFORMATION classification.

BPS Kepulauan Riau Province again received the title as an INFORMATIVE Public Agency with a score of 99.68. We are also proud of the BPS of Lingga Regency and BPS of Batam Municipality who also received the award as an Informative Public Agency for the Category of District/City Vertical Agency. The award for the Public Agency that received an INFORMATIONAL assessment was immediately handed over by the Governor of Kepulauan Riau Province, H. Ansar Ahmad, SE, MM.

The highest appreciation is conveyed to the Information Commission and the Office of Communication and Information of the Riau Archipelago Province, for the monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of public information disclosure policies in public bodies. Gratitude is always offered to Allah SWT, hopefully collaboration and efforts to realize sustainable good governance and clean government can continue to be improved.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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