Pojok Statistik UMRAH Ceremony - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kep. Riau Province

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Pojok Statistik UMRAH Ceremony

Pojok Statistik UMRAH Ceremony

August 24, 2022 | Other Activities

The collaboration between the BPS-Statistics (BPS) of the Kepulauan Riau Islands Province and the Raja Ali Haji Maritim University (UMRAH) continues, both of them agreed to realize the escalation of Warung Gurindam into a Statistical Corner (PojokStatistik) in order to improve services to the academic community in the UMRAH environment. The signing of the Cooperation Agreement was carried out on April 8, 2022, only then, on Wednesday, August 24, 2022, the UMRAH Statistical Corner (PojokStatistik) was inaugurated by M. Habibullah, Deputy for Production Statistics of BPS.

"The Statistical Corner is expected to be able to meet the availability of information for researchers, lecturers and students to obtain and access the desired information data," said Head of BPS Kepulauan Riau Province Darwis Sitorus in his opening speech.

Both parties hope that the existence and sustainability of the UMRAH Statistical Corner (PojokStatistik), which is an innovation by BPS, will be maintained with solid collaboration.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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(Statistics of Kepulauan Riau Province)

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