Bappenas Visit on Preparation of the Riau Islands Economic Transformation Roadmap - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kep. Riau Province

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Bappenas Visit on Preparation of the Riau Islands Economic Transformation Roadmap

Bappenas Visit on Preparation of the Riau Islands Economic Transformation Roadmap

August 25, 2022 | Other Activities

To sharpen the direction of the economic transformation of the Riau Islands province, on Thursday, August 25, 2022, the Director of Macro Planning and Statistical Analysis, Eka Chandra Buana, visited the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of the Riau Islands Province to conduct a discussion on Data and Information Needs related to Map Compilation of Economic Transformation Road in the Riau Archipelago. The meeting, which was held in the Vicon Room of the Riau Islands Province BPS Office, was an initial discussion between the two parties in supporting Riau Islands to realize the potential for economic development, both from strategic commodities and regional potential.

Responding to the visit, the Head of the Riau Islands Province BPS, Darwis Sitorus, expressed readiness to support the availability of data in accordance with the authority of BPS as a provider of statistical data. The data will be prepared and submitted in stages. With an accurate database, Riau Islands economic development is expected to grow more sustainably, greener, and have a solid foundation.

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