Working Visit of PLT. Head of the Central Bureau of Statistics to Kepulauan Riau Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kep. Riau Province

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Working Visit of PLT. Head of the Central Bureau of Statistics to Kepulauan Riau Province

Working Visit of PLT. Head of the Central Bureau of Statistics to Kepulauan Riau Province

November 25, 2024 | Other Activities

In order to strengthen preparations for the implementation of the 2026 Economic Census in the Kepulauan Riau region, Acting. Head of the Central Bureau of Statistics, Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti, conducted a working visit to the Kepulauan Riau. This visit is an important momentum to discuss, share ideas, and find innovative solutions in facing the challenges of data collection in the field. In this meeting, Amalia emphasized the importance of collaboration between BPS and local governments in the context of organizing and utilizing the results of statistical activities. With accurate and updated data, BPS can support better and sustainable development throughout Indonesia. Not only that, she also provided direction and motivation to all Kepulauan Riau Province BPS employees to continue to improve performance and professionalism in every task they carry out. This visit can also be a moment to introduce some of the latest initiatives in the world of statistics that are being developed by BPS. Starting from the utilization of the latest technology in data collection and analysis, to the importance of educating the general public about how statistics can be used in everyday life.

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