Gross Domestic Regional Product by Expenditure Kepulauan Riau Province 2012-2016 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kep. Riau Province

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Gross Domestic Regional Product by Expenditure Kepulauan Riau Province 2012-2016

Catalog Number : 9302002.21
Publication Number : 21550.1704
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : July 11, 2017
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 4.18 MB


The Gross Regional Domestic Product of Kepulauan Riau Province According to Spending, 2012-2016 is one of the data sources Economies that can be used to evaluate development performance Economy of a region (provincial or district / city). This publication Can also be used for other purposes and purposes, such as Basic development of economic models in order to compile Policy formulation, mapping of regional economic potential, speed assessment Money velocity (money), deepening of the financial sector (financial Deepening), tax assessment, export and import studies, and so forth. This publication specifically presents GDP data accordingly The final expenditure / demand approach. This approach is broken down into Some components, namely: Household Consumption Expenditure, Non-Profit Institution Consumption Expenditure Serving the Household, Government Consumption Expenditure, Investment (Formation of Fixed Capital Gross and Inventory Changes), Foreign Exports, Foreign Imports, And Inter-regional Net Exports (inter-regional exports minus imports Between regions). GRDP data in this publication and has been using the year Base 2010, and already apply the concept of System of National Accounts 2008 (SNA 2008) as recommended by United Nations.
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