Declaration of Integrity Zone Development (ZI) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kep. Riau Province

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Declaration of Integrity Zone Development (ZI)

Declaration of Integrity Zone Development (ZI)

June 18, 2020 | Other Activities

The declaration of Development of the Integrity Zone (ZI) of Statistics of Kepulauan Riau Province, was simultaneously carried out via video conference, 18/06/2020. Also present as witnesses were from the Attorney General's Office, BPK Representatives, Ombudsman Representatives, BI Representatives, Barenlitbang, Diskominfo, Information Commission, UMRAH and Raja Haji Stisipol.
ZI is a predicate given to government agencies whose leaders and staff are committed to creating a Region Free of Corruption (WBK) and a Clean Serving Bureaucracy Region (WBBM) through efforts to prevent corruption, bureaucratic reform, and improving the quality of public services.
The key to successful self improvement
Reduce talking to increase action
ASN BPS throughout the Riau Islands
One anti-corruption vote
Close ranks, strengthen determination, hopefully #bpskepri remain consistent.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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