Online Population Census 2020 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kep. Riau Province

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Online Population Census 2020

Online Population Census 2020

August 12, 2020 | BPS Activities

What's in September 2020 ..., ??
Hi #SahabatData., #SangatPagi

478.39 Thousand inhabitants of Kepulauan Riau have participated in the Online Population Census (SP).
Then what about the residents who haven't participated in SP Online ..?

Calm down, all residents will be recorded without exception at the 2020 POPULATION CENSUS which will be held in SEPTEMBER 2020.

What will the implementation look like later ..?
Scroll <<< for complete information.

We'll come back to
#MencatatKep KepulauanRiau,

Active community participation is very helpful in realizing accurate data.

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