Working Visit of the Cabinet Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kep. Riau Province

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Working Visit of the Cabinet Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia

Working Visit of the Cabinet Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia

January 30, 2024 | Other Activities

On Tuesday, January 30th 2024, at the Statistics Kepulauan Riau Province, the Indonesian Cabinet Secretariat carried out a working visit to discuss Cyber ​​Security, SPBE (Electronic Based Government System), and the role of Statistics Kepulauan Riau Province as a Data Supervisor. The Head of Statistics Kepulauan Riau Province, Mr. Darwis Sitorus, also warmly welcomed the event. Present at this activity were the Deputy for Political, Legal and Security Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Cabinet Secretary, Mr. Purnomo Sucipto; Assistant Deputy for Defense, Security, Communications and Information, Mr. Edwin J.H. Wuisang; Head of Kepulauan Riau Province Bappeda, Mrs. Misni, Head of the Tanjungpinang City Communication and Information Service, Mr. Teguh Susanto; along with officials from Statistics Kepulauan Riau Province. The aim of this activity is to collect information on matters related to SPBE, cyber security, and One Data Indonesia which is useful for input to the president regarding digital transformation policies. The topics discussed cannot be separated from the development of SPBE and SDI in the regions, especially in the Riau Islands region, what is the position of BPS in terms of institutions and government governance in the Riau Islands, as well as interoperability so that it is necessary to integrate applications that have been created in the regions, especially in the government environment. Kepulauan Riau province. Of course, with collaboration and synergy the goal will be achieved.

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