Kepulauan Riau Farmers Term of Trade in March 2021 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kep. Riau Province

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Kepulauan Riau Farmers Term of Trade in March 2021

Release Date : April 1, 2021
File Size : 0.8 MB


Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) is the comparison of the price index received by farmers (It) to the price index paid by farmers (Ib).
NTP is an indicator to see the level of ability / purchasing power of farmers in rural areas. NTP also shows the terms of trade of agricultural products with goods and services consumed as well as for production costs.
In March 2021, the Kepulauan Riau Province NTP was recorded at 102.79 or an increase of 0.54 percent compared to the NTP in February 2021.
NTP of Food Crops subsector was recorded at 104.94; Horticulture sub-sector NTP of 105.21; NTP of Community Plantation Crops sub-sector amounting to 95.99; NTP of Animal Husbandry sub-sector of 99.23; and NTP of fisheries sub-sector of 107.64.
The Kepulauan Riau Province Agricultural Business Exchange Rate (NTUP) in March 2021 was recorded at 103.86, an increase of 0.24 percent compared to the previous month.
Food Crops sub-sector NTUP was recorded at 105.06; Horticulture sub-sector NTUP 106.82; NTUP for Plantation Crops sub-sector amounting to 97.40; Animal Husbandry sub-sector NTUP 99.76; and Fisheries sub-sector NTUP 108.31.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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