Goodbye and Welcome - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kep. Riau Province

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Goodbye and Welcome

Goodbye and Welcome

June 8, 2020 | Other Activities

"Separation with smiles and happy memories, Greet with new enthusiasm and hope" is a theme that was carried in a farewell event to welcome the Chief Statistician of Kepulauan Riau Province at the 4th Floor Hall on June 8th, 2020. The event was simple, lively and memorable, of course by continuing promoting Covid-19 preventive health protocol.

Zulkipli, now serving as Regional Inspector II BPS delivered a message and hopes "The HR structure in Kepulauan Riau Province is unique, rich in young HR (millennials), therefore I am sure Statistics of Kepulauan Riau Province will be more victorious with new leadership. Keep up the good -good from me, leave the ugly ones. "
On the same occasion Agus Sudibyo, as the new Chief Statistician of Kepulauan Riau Province, asked for support from all personell of Statistics of Kepulauan Riau Province. "Let me join and let us run faster to achieve achievements that have not been achieved and maintain what has been good," he said.

Separation always leaves only the small cavities that are lost in the heart, the small cavities that will be filled with memories. But believe our hearts will always be bound to one another if each of us who are separated leaving a place for the small cavity.
Pauh is arranged closely in the ranti, Far in the eyes close to the heart.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Kepulauan Riau

(Statistics of Kepulauan Riau Province)

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